Recent Posts

Finding You’re Enough
When I write in all-caps that “WE ALL MISS!”, I’m asking you to let yourself off the hook for being human. Of course you probably know that intellectually, but do you live that way?

The Night Sailor
I woke up at 4am this morning.
Lessons From Cambodia
What is KISS?
A 70’s glam rock band of course! Even 40 years later, like you, I still rock and roll all night and pickle every day. (I think that’s how the lyrics went?)

For Pickleballers Only…(Well, Mostly)
It’s been exhausting keeping up the facade that I actually care about purpose, compassion and living a fulfilling life. You know the only thing that really matters is pickleball.

What’s in it for Me? What’s in it for You?
Why did I write Pickleball & The Art of Living? More importantly, why would you read it?

The Birth, Death & Reincarnation of my First Book
As with many things in life, I didn’t set out to write a book called Pickleball & The Art of Living. I had no intention to write anything at all (except my name on some bar tabs.)

WELCOME… An Introduction to Pickleball & The Art of Living
Welcome to my first blog post. I’ve been told that all the cool kids are doing blogs these days so I wanted to jump in and add my voice to the other 25 million or so out there.